Hi guys! I'm Hilary (aka: HilyBee). I grew up in (and moved back to) Ohio. I live with two pets (Yosuke and Sera) and my boyfriend Zach. I work in retail and love everything about it. I absolutely love to write random posts and created this second blog as a fun hobby. I hope you enjoy it! Read my full "Authors Not-So-Anonymous" interview here for more fun facts about me.
Zach Wallace
Gamer and writer for the Beehive.
Zach is HilyBee's boyfriend and co-author. He is from Illinois, has a culinary arts degree and loves gaming. He will be our "go-to" guy for everything gaming, anime and movie related. Zach is an extremely talented guy who will be a huge asset to the Beehive. He will show us some very unqiue games, shows, movies and more. He loves to quote movies, drink frappuccinos and make me smile. He's my most favorite person in the entire world. <3
Yosuke (yo-skay) came into our lives right after our first dachshund passed away in 2013. He's been with us since March 28, 2013. He's a very sweet, loving, cuddly, playful little English Cream Longhaired Miniature Dachshund (because he needs more adjectives after that name!). We named him Yosuke after a character from the show and game Persona. Don't judge, we're geeks and it suits him perfectly. He loves to try out new treats, food, toys and collars just so he's in the spot-light. He's such an attention lover! I love him to death and wouldn't change him for anything.
Yosuke the Mini Dachshund
Reviewer and Writer for the Beehive
My cute and fluffy little boy! |
Jason Scott Sharp
A writer for the Beehive and J Scott Sharp, Author.
Jason Scott Sharp is my best friend, co-author and the author of several short stories and novels. He works for as a college adviser by day, but writes all the time. He lives with his two amazing fur children (Tnur and Sumo) and his incredible wife Marti. Both of the Sharps mean the world to me and I have no idea where Novel d'Tales (and now The Hive) or I would be without them. They are extremely supportive people who truly have hearts of gold. Thank you both for being so incredible! <3 Check out Jason's blog here! He released his first novel in 2013 called The Li5t of Five (it's an absolutely amazing novel!!).